The JM Kwak Scholarship


Scholarship Details

  • Time Allocation

  1. Residents can elect up to 4 weeks for an international rotation over the course of their 3-year training.

  2. 4-week contiguous rotations are highly preferred over 2-week rotations. 4-week rotations offer a greater impact and allow for more long-term sustainable projects.

  3. 1-week rotations will not be permitted.

  • Funding

  1. Residents are allotted up to $3,000 in reimbursement for reasonable costs associated with international electives over the course of their 3-year training.

  2. One 4-week rotation - Maximum reimbursement for reasonable costs = Total $3,000

  3. Two 2-week rotations - Maximum reimbursement for reasonable costs = Total $3,000 ($2,000 for Trip 1 + $1,000 for Trip 2)

  4. One 2-week rotation - Maximum reimbursement for reasonable costs = Total $2,000

Scholarship Requirements

  • Pre-departure (plan to submit at least 3 months before planned travel)

  1. GME PLA Elective form [PDF of form to be attached]

  2. Kwak Scholarship Form and Budget Worksheet [Googlesheet to be attached]

  3. Discussion with the GH Director to vet the experience and ensure appropriate supervision. (Waived if other NYPQ faculty involved)

  • Expectations upon return

  1. 5-10 minute presentation during conference

  2. Blog post including at least 3-5 pictures 

  3. Google Return survey

  4. Receipts/form for reimbursement (within 4 weeks after return)

Official Process

  1. An official proposal which outlines the goals, objectives, and other details of the rotation must be completed and submitted to a Review Committee consisting of the ED Chairman, Residency Director, and Global Health and Community Outreach Director at least 8 weeks in advance of the departure date.

  2. The Review Committee will review the proposal and either approve funding with the JM Kwak Global Health Scholarship Funds, reject the request for funding, or ask for further details and clarification.

  3. Once the funding is approved by the Review Committee, the proposal and further additional documents must be submitted to NYPQ GME who will additionally review the proposal and either accept, reject, or request further details, clarifications, or modifications. 

  4. Once funding is approved by the Review Committee and the rotation is approved, the resident may then proceed with securing the rotation, including purchasing travel, housing, and other reasonable associated costs.

  5. Residents are required to pay expenses out of pocket upfront and then will be reimbursed for reasonable associated costs after all receipts are submitted.

  6. Residents must submit all receipts for reimbursement no later than 4 weeks after the final date of the rotation. Reimbursement requests submitted after the submission deadline may be declined for reimbursement.


Pre-Departure Request

Budget Proposal